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Members of the Coalition Against Sexual Violence protest for a “Day of Rage” along Farm Lane. Protesters gathered to speak about their disapproval of the MSU administration's handling of cases of rape and sexual assaults on campus, as well as personal experiences dealing with the same issues.

Members of the Coalition Against Sexual Violence and supporters gather near the rock located along Farm Lane. Organizers expressed their disappointment in the administration's decision not to suspend or expel two varsity basketball players who were accused of sexual assault on campus. No charges were filed in the case.

Protestors for the “Day of Rage” stand near the rock on Farm Lane. Protesters were told by police that they were not allowed to use a bullhorn because of safety concerns.

Protestors at the Coalition Against Sexual Violence's “Day of Rage” march along Farm Lane from the rock to the administration building. One of the event's organizers Christina McPike said students and the administration have a misconception about sexual assault. Referring to an alleged sexual assault by two members of the MSU varsity basketball team McPike said “Entering a room with two men is not consent. Alcohol is not consent. These actions are not invitations for rape but many don't seem to realize this.”

Mitch Goldsmith leads chants as protestors march down Farm Lane toward the MSU administration building. Goldsmith joined other leaders including Christina McPike organizing the Coalition Against Sexual Violence's “Day of Rage”. McPike said the coalition aimed at bringing students together to deliver their opinions to the administration. “This is us getting our voice out, getting our voice heard, talking to one another and figuring out things to represent student voices,” McPike said.

Protestors for the “Day of Rage” display and a sign after they enter the administration building. Later four protestors were arrested for refusing to leave the administration building. Senior Matthew Swartz who was present at the protests said he applauded the coalition's eagerness to talk to the administration. “They are hear to spread awareness,” Swartz said. “They know that a lot of people don't understand the problems and the tension in the community. They are hoping to create dialogue to correct this.”

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