Welcome to JRN 410

We will be posting our Projects in this space. Please check out the tabs above for course information and tips.

Audio Tips


Multimedia requires good audio. For this class, you will need to use MP3 files. Marantz audio recorders are available for checkout in room 134 CAS.
When you reserve the Marantz Recording Kit, you’ll need your Student ID.
Before you leave the DMAT Lab, make sure your Marantz Recorder worksand that you have the following items in thekit:  1.  Marantz Recorder, 2. Microphone and 3. cable, 4. Power cord, 5. USB cord, and 6. New set of batteries
Operating the Marantz Recorder
To BeginInsert Flashcard.
Turn “POWER” – ON
Press “MENU/STORE”You’ll see “Preset-1” – Press ENTER.  (If you don’t see Preset – 1, hit “Menu/Store.”
Set Preset 1 to the following by moving the << and >> keys and pressing ENTER:Input > MIC
Output > SP/HP
Date/Time – Set correct date and time.
Rec Format > MP3-44.1K
RecChannel > Mono
PreRecord > Off
Manual Trk > Off
Auto Trk > Off
Auto Mark > Off
SilentSkip > Off
LevelCont. > ALC+Manual
Meter Mode >  Normal”
Mic. Atten. > OdB
AutoPowOff > Off
Battery > “Alkaline”
Beep > Off
Machine ID – MZ001
DefaultOK? Hit Enter.
Then Press MENU/Store
To RecordAttach mic and cord to L or Mono.
Attach your headphones.  Always use your headphones.
Press “REC” + “PAUSE.”
  • Test your levels.  Make sure levels peak in the green/orange.  To increase or decrease the levels, move the knob located next to the levels display.
Then press “REC.”
  • To record separate tracks, press “PAUSE.”  (If it’s a long interview – more than two minutes – create separate tracks.  Otherwise, use only one track per interview.)
When you’re done, press “STOP.”
To PlayPress “PLAY.”
Reserving the MarantzWhen you reserve the Marantz Recording Kit, you’ll need your Student ID.
Before you leave the DMAT Lab, make sure your Marantz Recorder works and that you have the following items in thekit:  1.  Marantz Recorder, 2. Microphone and 3. cable, 4. Power cord, 5. USB cord, and 6. New set of batteries


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