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Lightroom Tips

Lightroom tips

We will be using Lightroom for editing, processing and printing photos. Here are some tips not directly covered in the lab manual.
  1. Your photographs do not live in Lightroom. They live where YOU put them. Best place is on a good size dedicated hard drive. In class you may put them in a folder on the Public drive but there is no guarantee they will be there tomorrow. You will also need to use the same computer each time.
  2. If a message says “Offline or missing” you will need to import again.
  3. When you open Lighroom and pick a source, images of your photographs are visible on the grid. You still need to select “import”to work with the images.
  4. Essential quick keys: G = grid, TAB = gets rid of panels, L = cycles through darkening the screen, B = adds and removes from “Quick Collection” and N= survey, puts the selected images on the screen together.
  5. The “Library” allows you to see the images together on a grid or individually. You may add cations and other information in the“Metadata” panel.
  6. From the grid, you may edit your choices to the top 20 or so and put them into the “Quick Collection.”
  7. Look at the “Histogram” at the upper right panel. 
    It shows the light sensitivity(ISO 400), the length of the lens (45 mm), the f stop/aperture opening (f/4.8)and the shutter speed (1/80 sec). It also shows a visual representation of your exposure. The shadows are to the left and the highlights are to the right.
  8. more tips to come…


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